AIOSphere logo

We take your privacy seriously.

Updated on: 04.04.2024

Privacy statement

AIOsphere is a networking hub launched by aioneers.

Thank you for visiting our website and your interest in our community.

We take the protection of your personal data, e.g. date of birth, name, phone number, address etc. very seriously.

1) General Information

The purpose of this privacy statement is to inform you of how we process the personal information we collect when your visit our site. Our privacy practice falls inline with the legal requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz,BDSG). The following privacy statement serves to fulfil the duties to inform arising from the GDPR. They are found e.g. in Art. 13 and 14 et GDPR.

2) Data controller

The data controller as defined in Art. 4(7) GDPR is the individual who decides, either alone or together with others, as to the purposes for and means of processing personal data.

The data controller for our website is:

aioneers Technologies GmbH
Q7 24, Business Center Mannheim
68161 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 62140548360

3) Provision of the website and creation of log files

Each time you access our website, our system automatically records data and information relating to the device used (e.g. computer, mobile phone, tablet etc.).

What personal data is registered and to what extent is this processed?

(1) Information about your browser type and the version used;
(2) The operating system of the device used to access the site;
(3) Host name of the accessing computer;
(4) The IP address of the accessing device;
(5) Date and time of access;
(6) Websites and resources (images, files, other page content) accessed on our website;
(7) Websites from which the user’s system reached our website (referrer tracking);
(8) Report as to whether access was successful;
(9)Data volume transmitted;

This data is saved in our system’s log files. This data is not stored together with the personal data of any specific user, thus rendering the identification of individual site visitors impossible.

a) Legal basis for personal data processing

Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest). Our legitimate interest consists in ensuring that the purpose described in the following is achieved.

b) Purpose of data processing

The temporary (automated) storage of data is necessary to facilitate website visits, as this enables the delivery of the website. Personal data is also saved and processed to preserve the compatibility of our website for as many users as possible, to prevent misuse and to eliminate faults. Doing this requires that the technical data of the accessing computer be logged in order to allow us to respond to display errors, attacks on our IT systems and/or faults on our website as quickly as possible. This data also helps us to optimise the website and to ensure the security of our IT systems generally.

c) Duration of storage

The aforementioned technical data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to ensure the compatibility of the website for all visitors, but one week at the latest after accessing our website.

d) Right to object and right of erasure

We would like to draw your attention separately to your right to object in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR. Accordingly, you have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your data which we carry out on the basis of Art. 6 para.1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR (data processing on the basis of a balancing of interests). This also applies to profiling based on this provision within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 4 GDPR; however, we do not carry out profiling with your data. If you object, we will no longer process your data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing serves the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. How to assert your rights, see the bottom section of this privacy statement.

4) Special functions of the website

Our site offers various different functions which, when used, allow us to collect, process and store your personal data. In the following we explain what we do with this data:

i) Application form

What personal data is registered and to what extent is this processed?
Data entered by you in the form fields of the application form and, where applicable, any data uploaded by you, will be processed for the purpose below.

a) Legal basis for personal data processing

Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR (carrying out (pre)contractual measures)

b) Purpose of data processing

Reviewing and processing the application forms uploaded by you via the form.

c) Duration of storage

This data is deleted as soon as the application has been processed and legitimate interest in the storage of said application data no longer exists. Therefore, if no employment relationship materialises, your application documents are deleted within six months at the latest.

d) Need for providing personal data

The details in the application form are prescribed neither by law nor contractually, but they are necessary for sending and processing the application. If you do not fill in the mandatory fields present or do not complete these in full, your application cannot be sent or processed.

ii) Contact form(s)

What personal data is registered and to what extent is this processed?
The data entered by you in our contact forms/data you have entered in the input screen of the contact form. You can also enter a pseudonym (i.e. a fictitious name) as your name.

a) Legal basis for personal data processing

Our legitimate interest in being able to contact users of our website electronically forms the legal basis for the processing(Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).

b) Purpose of data processing

We will only use the data recorded via our contact form or our contact forms to process the specific contact request submitted by the contact form. Please note that, under certain circumstances, we may send emails to the address provided in order to fulfil your contact request. The purpose of this is to enable you to receive confirmation from us that your request has been correctly forwarded to us. However, we are not obliged to send this confirmation email, and this is only for your information.

c) Duration of storage

After processing your request, the data collected will be deleted immediately provided no statutory retention periods apply.

d) Need for providing personal data

Use of the contact forms is on a voluntary basis and is required neither contractually nor by law. You are under no obligation to contact us via the contact form, instead you can use the other contact options given on our site. If you would like to use our contact form, you must fill in the fields marked as mandatory fields. If you do not fill in the information required by the contact form, you can either not send the request or unfortunately we cannot process your request.

iii) Form for newsletter registration

What personal data is registered and to what extent is this processed?
When you register for the newsletter on our website, we receive the email address provided by you in the register field and, where applicable, other contact data if you share these with us via the newsletter registration form.

a) Legal basis for personal data processing

Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent by means of clear confirmatory act or behaviour)

b) Purpose of data processing

We will use the data collected in the input screen of our newsletter exclusively for the purpose of sending our newsletter, in which we provide you with information about all our services and news. After registering, we will send you a confirmation email containing a link which you must click to conclude the registration for our newsletter (double opt-in).

c) Duration of storage

You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link which is in each of our newsletters. Your data will be deleted by us immediately after unsubscribing, provided no statutory retention periods apply. Likewise, we will delete your data immediately in the event that you do not complete registration. We reserve the right to delete data without providing reasons and without prior or subsequent notification.

d) Right to withdraw

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either. The processing of your personal data for the purpose of sending you our newsletters, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

e) Need for providing personal data

If you would like to use our newsletter, you must fill in the fields marked as mandatory information and confirm your email address to us by clicking the double opt-in link. The information required for newsletter registration is not necessary to enter into a contract with us, nor is it required by law. It is used solely to send our newsletter. If you do not fill in the mandatory fields, unfortunately we cannot provide you with our newsletter service.

5) Statistical evaluation of the visits to this website – webtracker

We use thefollowing webtrackers to evaluate the visits to this website:

i) Google Tag Manager

a) What personal data is registered and to what extent is this processed?

On our website, we use the service provided by the company Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, 4 Dublin, Ireland (hereinafter: Google Tag Manager). Google Tag Manager offers a technical platform to run and control in a bundled manner other webservices and web tracking programs by means of tags. In this context, Google Tag Manager stores cookies on your computer and analyses your browsing behaviour (tracking), provided web tracking tools are used by means of Google Tag Manager. This data sent by individual tags integrated into Google Tag Manager is compiled, stored and processed by Google Tag Manager under a single user interface. All integrated tags are listed separately once again in this privacy statement. You can find out more about the data protection of the tools integrated into Google Tag Manager in the respective section of this privacy statement. When our website is used with activated integration of tags from Google Tag Manager, data, such as in particular your IP address and your user activities, is sent to servers of Google Ireland Limited. The regulations in the respective section of this privacy statement are applicable in relation to the webservices integrated by means of Google Tag Manager. The tracking tools used in Google Tag Manager ensure, using IP anonymisation of the source code, that the IP address is anonymised by Google Tag Manager prior to transmission. In this case, Google Tag Manager will make it possible to only collect IP addresses anonymously (IP masking).

b) Legal basis for personal data processing

The legal basis for the data processing is according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR your consent in our notice banner in relation to the use of cookies and web tracking (consent by clear confirmatory action or behaviour).

c) Purpose of data processing

Google will, on our behalf, use the information obtained by means of Google Tag Manager to evaluate your visit to this website, compile reports about the website activities and to render further services to us connected with the website use and internet use.

d) Duration of storage

Google will store the data relevant to the function of Google Tag Manager, as is necessary to fulfil the booked webservice. The data is collected and stored anonymously. If there are personal references, the data will be deleted immediately, in so far as it is not subject to statutory retention periods. In any case, it will be deleted following expiry of the retention period.

e) Right to withdraw

You canwithdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting ourcookies or deleting the cookiesfrom our website in yourbrowser. The transmission of your personal data to Google, which we havecarried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affectedby the withdrawal and remains lawful.


f) Further information

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

ii) Google Analytics

a) Scale of processing personal data

On our website, we use the webtracking service provided by the company Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, 4 Dublin, Ireland (hereinafter: Google Analytics). As part of the webtracking, Google Analytics uses cookies which are stored on your computer and make it possible to analyse the use of our website and your browsing behaviour (tracking). We carry out this analysis based on the tracking services of Google Analytics to continuously optimise and improve the availability of our internet content. When our website is used, data, such as in particular your IP address and your user activities, is sent to servers of the company, Google Ireland Limited. We carry out this analysis based on the tracking services of Google to continuously optimise and improve the availability of our internet content. Similarly, we require webtracking for security reasons. Webtracking allows us to track whether third parties are attacking our website. Using the webtracker information, we can take effective countermeasures and protect the personal data processed by us from these cyberattacks. When IP anonymisation within the Google Analytics tracking code of this website is activated, your IP address will be anonymised by Google Analytics prior to transmission. This website uses a Google Analytics tracking code which is expanded by the operator gat._anonymizeIp(); to make it possible to only collect IP addresses anonymously (IP masking).

b) Legal basis for personal data processing

The legal basis for the data processing is according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR your consent in our notice banner in relation to the use of cookies and webtracking (consent by clear confirmatory action or behaviour).

c) Purpose of data processing

Google will, on our behalf, use the information to evaluate your visit to this website, compile reports about the website activities and to render further services to us connected with the website use and internet use. Similarly, we require webtracking for security reasons. Webtracking allows us to track whether third parties are attacking our website. Using the webtracker information, we can take effective countermeasures and protect the personal data processed by us from these cyber attacks.

d) Duration of storage

Google will store the data relevant to the provision of the webtracking, as is necessary to fulfil the booked webservice. The data is collected and stored anonymously. If there are personal references, the data will be deleted immediately, insofar as it is not subject to statutory retention periods. In any case, it will be deleted following expiry of the retention period.

e) Right towithdraw

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to Google, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.


f) Further information

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

6) Integration of external web services and processing of data outside of the EU

We use active content from external providers on our website, so-called web services. By accessing our website these external providers may gain access to personal information relating to your visit to our website. In this connection, it is possible that data may be processed outside of the EU. You can prevent this by installing a corresponding browser plugin or disabling the running of scripts in your browser. This may result in functional restrictions on the websites that you visit.

We use the following external web services:

i) Amazon CloudFront (CDN)

On our website, we use the service Amazon CloudFront (CDN) provided by the company, Amazon Web Services, Inc., 410 Terry Avenue North, WA 98109 Seattle, United States, Email:, Website: Processing is also carried out in a third-party state for which there is no adequacy decision issued by the Commission. Therefore, the protection level that is normal for the GDPR cannot be ensured during the transmission since it cannot be ruled out that e.g. authorities in the third country can gain access to the data collected.

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data represents our legitimate interest to the processing according to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is achieving the purpose outlined below.

Amazon CloudFront (CDN) is a content delivery network which mirrors our content via different servers to ensure optimal reachability worldwide.

With regard to the processing, you have the right to object outlined in Art. 21.

You can find out more at the end of this privacy statement.You can find out more about the handling of the data transmitted in the privacy statement of the provider at

ii) Doubleclick

On our website, we use the service Doubleclick provided by the company, Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043 Mountain View, United States, Email:, Website: Processing is also carried out in a third-party state for which there is no adequacy decision issued by the Commission. Therefore, the protection level that is normal for the GDPR cannot be ensured during the transmission since it cannot be ruled out that e.g. authorities in the third country can gain access to the data collected.

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR or Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

Doubleclick is a service provided by Google via which digital advertising is offered and delivered on the internet. It serves to display personalised adverts to the website users.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to Google, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at


On our website, we use the service provided by the company, A Medium Corporation, 799 Market St., 94103 San Francisco, United States

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

Using the service, we can load and display content of third-party websites on our website.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to Google, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

The provider also offers an opt-out option at

iv) Google Fonts

On our website, we use the service Google Fonts provided by the company, Google LLC,1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043 Mountain View, United States,, Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a)GDPR which you have given on our website.

Fonts are loaded on our website using the Google Fonts service in order to display the site to you in a visually improved version.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to Google, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

v) Google APIS

On our website, we use the service Google APIS provided by the company, Google LLC,1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043 Mountain View, United States,, Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

We use Google APIS to load other Google services on our website. Google APIS is a collection of interfaces to communicate among the different Google services which are used on our website. For the processing itself, the service or we collect the following data: IP address

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to Google, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

vi) Gstatic

On ourwebsite, we use the service Gstatic provided by the company, Google LLC, 1600Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043 Mountain View, United States,, Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

Gstatic isa service used by Google to access statistical content to reduce the bandwidth usage and to load required catalogue files in advance.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to Google, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

viii) YouTube

On our website, we use the service YouTube provided by the company, Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043 Mountain View, United States, On our website, we use the service YouTube provided by the company, Google LLC, 1600Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043 Mountain View, United States,, Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

Youtube videos are integrated on our website via the Youtube service.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to Google, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

ix) Hubspot

OOn our website, we use the service HubSpot provided by the company, HubSpot, Inc, 25First Street, 2141 Cambridge MA, United States, Email:,Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

Tracking of individual users is made possible on our website by the service.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to HubSpot, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

x) LinkedIn

On our website, we use the service LinkedIn provided by the company, LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, 2 Dublin, Ireland,, Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

When the LinkedIn plugin is used, we establish a connection to LinkedIn to give logged-in LinkedIn members the possibility of interacting with us.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to LinkedIn, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at The provider also offers an opt-out option at

xi) Google reCAPTCHA

On our website, we use the service Google reCaptcha provided by the company, Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, 94043 Mountain View, United States,, Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

On the basis of specific features and an analysis of the site behaviour, the service recognises whether the input made is an automated input by means of a program(a bot) or a human. The service has three different levels. Either the service automatically recognises that the input does not take place by a bot automatically or it allows the user to select a Captcha checkbox. A third option is blending small images or speech/text tasks which have to be solved bythe website visitor. Google reCaptcha is a Capcha service which is used on our website for security reasons in order to rule out bots (robotic programs) beingable to interact on our website. Google reCaptcha verifies on our behalf that only humans, and not bots, can use our website. We can therefore in particular protect the special functions of our website (e.g. contact forms or other input options such as log-in area) from improper website access. For the processing itself, the service or we collect the following data: User behaviour (e.g. mouse movements or input behaviour), IP address, browser data, computer information. If you would like to use the input options of our website protected by Google reCaptcha, you must permit the use of Google reCaptcha and, if necessary, solve the corresponding Captchas. If you do not complete the Captcha or permit the use of Google reCaptcha, you may not be able to use the form protected by the Captcha. Alternatively, you can at anytime use our other contact options (e.g. post or email).

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to HubSpot, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

xii) Personio

On our website, we use the service Personio provided by the company, Personio, Seidlstraße 3 80335 Munich, Germany, Email:, Website:, Personal data is transmitted and processed exclusively on servers in the European Union.

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is carrying out (pre)contractual measures according to Art. 6 (1) (ba)GDPR

We process your contact and application data, including any CV and other application documents you may send us, for the purpose of processing your application and contacting you. 

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

xiii) Cookie Script

On our website, we use the service Cookie Script provided by the company, ObjectisLtd., Žalgirio st. 88, 09303 Vilnius, Lithuania,, Website: Personal data is transmitted and processed exclusively on servers in the European Union.

The legal basis for the transmission and processing is Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR. The use of the service supports us in fulfilling our legal obligations. By incorporating the service, we fulfil our legal obligations with regard to the consent management required for cookies.

You can find out at the end of this privacy statement what rights you have with regard to the processing.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

xiv) HubSpot Forms by HubSpot

On our website, we use the service HubSpot Forms by HubSpot provided by the company, HubSpot, Inc, 25 First Street, 2141 Cambridge MA, United States,, Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR which you have given on our website.

Using hsforms, we can easily provide you with surveys and forms on our website.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The transmission of your personal data to HubSpot, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

xv) Webflow

On our website, we use the service Webflow provided by the company, Webflow, Inc., 39811th St, Floor 2, 94103 San Francisco, California, United States,, Website:

The legal basis for the transmission of the personal data is our legitimate interest in publishing our website in the Internet according to Art. 6 (1) (fa)GDPR

The service used serves to display our website since it is the host of our website.

You can find out more about how transmitted data is handled in the provider’s privacy statement at

7) Information about the use of cookies

a) Scale of processing personal data

We use so-called cookies on our website. These are small text files that are stored on your end device (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.). There are cookies that are deleted from your drive (hard disk, solid-state disk, flash memory, etc.) immediately after the end of the browser session (so-called session cookies). Other cookies remain on your end device for longer and enable us to recognize your end device on your next visit (so-called persistent cookies). With your consent, we also use cookies from third-party providers that allow them to process your personal data and possibly merge the information obtained with other data that these third-party providers have already stored about you or collected from you during your use of the third-party services.

When you visit our website with a browser for the first time, you will be asked to make cookie settings. The same happens if you visit our website again later and the system detects that there are no cookie settings for our website in your browser(e.g. because you have deleted cookies or are using a different browser).Depending on the selection you make in the cookie settings, only the functionally absolutely necessary, so-called essential cookies, or other cookies are stored on your end device. We can use the other cookies, for example, to carry out statistical analysis (e.g. Google Analytics) or integrate external media (e.g. YouTube). In the cookie settings on our website, you can find more information about which cookies we use, for how long and for what purposes.

If you click on a link on our website, third-party cookies may be used without our express warning. In the security settings of your browser, you can also delete these stored cookies at any time and restrictor prohibit the acceptance of cookies.

b) Legal basis for personal data processing

Art. 6 (1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest) or Art. 6 (1) (a) or Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR(consent).

The legal basis for our use of functionally strictly necessary cookies is our legitimate interest in designing our web presence on our website in a needs-based and functional manner (Art. 6 (1) (f)GDPR, Sec. 25 (2) (no. 2)TTDSG). Your consent given in the cookie settings forms the legal basis for the use of additional cookies (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR, Sec. 25 (1) TTDSG).

We only store cookies that track your user behavior(so-called user tracking) on your end device after you have previously consented to the use of such cookies in the cookie settings. You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by either editing your cookie settings on our website and deselecting our cookies or deleting the cookies from our website in your browser. The processing of your personal data, which we have carried out on the basis of your consent until your withdrawal, is not affected by the withdrawal and remains lawful.

c) Purpose of data processing

The cookies are set by our website or the external webservices in order to obtain the full functionality of our website, to improve user-friendliness or to pursue the purpose indicated in your consent. The cookie technology also makes it possible for us to recognise individual visitors based on pseudonyms, e.g. an individual or random ID, such that we can offer more personalised services. Details are listed in the COOKIE DECLARATION on our website (see cookie settings there).

d) Duration of storage

The cookies listed below are stored in your browser until they are deleted or, in the case of a session cookie, until the session has expired. Details are listed in the COOKIE DECLARATION on our website (see cookie settings there)

e) Right to object, withdrawal of consent and erasure

You can set your browser as you wish so that the setting of cookies is generally prevented. You can then decide to accept cookies on a case-by-case basis or to accept cookies in general. Cookies may be used for different purposes e.g. to recognise that your accessing device is already connected to our website(permanent cookies) or to store recently viewed content (session cookies). If you have expressly consented to process your personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time. Please note that the lawfulness of any processing carried out based on the consent until said withdrawal will not be affected by this and remains lawful.

8. Use of social media links

We display social media links from the followingsocial networks on our website:





X (formerly Twitter),


This is a link to our company presence in the corresponding social network; the link does not contain any further functions(unlike the Facebook Like button, for example). If you click on a social media link on our website, only the corresponding linked website will open.

9. Right of access and rectification requests –erasure & restriction of processing data- right to object – data portability

Subject to the statutory provisions, you have the right to obtain information from us about your personal data processed by us, as well as the right to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, objection to processing and data portability. For the exact conditions under which you are entitled to the aforementioned rights, please refer to Art. 15 to 21 GDPR and Sec. 34,35 and 37 BDSG. If you wish to exercise one or more of the aforementioned rights, please use the contact options specified below.

We would like to draw your attention separately to your right to object in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR. Accordingly, you have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your data which we carry out on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR (data processing on the basis of a balancing of interests). This also applies to profiling based on this provision within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 4 GDPR; however, we do not carry out profiling with your data. If you object, we will no longer process your data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing serves the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

10. Right of appeal

Subject to the statutory provisions, you have the right to contact a supervisory authority with complaints regarding data protection. The State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Baden-Württemberg is responsible for us, which you can contact together with the supervisory authority via the website However, you can also contact any other supervisory authority.

11. How do you exercise your rights?

You can exercise your rights at any time by referring to the contact details below:

aioneers TechnologiesGmbH

Q7 24,Business Center Mannheim



Tel.: +4962140548360


You can reach our data protection officer by referring to the contact details below:

aioneers Technologies GmbH

c/o Data Protection Officer

Q7 24, Business Center Mannheim

68161 Mannheim



Issued by:
© DURY LEGAL Rechtsanwälte –
© Website-Check GmbH –